The kindly folks at Panhandle Paintball, the site for the WCPL's upcoming Panhandle Paintball Classic (this April 1st & 2nd) have posted images of the trophies and medallions that will be on hand for the event (and handed out to the top performing teams, because that's what you do with trophies and medallions).
Below, some pics.
We strongly recommended that any team planning on winning this event and attempting to take home the taller than six foot main trophy:
A. Has a home or apartment or other facility with at least ten foot ceilings
B. Brings a van or trailer (for transport) to the event with them
C. Is prepared to leave some team members at the field if trying to shoe-horn it into a car
D. Has a member who works for one of those specialty moving companies (like the ones that transport museum relics or Lamborghinis)
E. Settles the discussion of who gets (forced) to hold onto the trophy BEFORE taking it home
PS: Don't forget to register your team at