UPDATED: 2:19 3/17/23
"Redemption" paint was measuring at .689 and .691 at the recent NXL event. Players were having to overbore.
We just learned today that Valken has introduced a larger bore - actual .68 caliber, paintball.
The story was on Facebook, following a poll of players asking what they were looking for. Apparently big bore paint won the poll.
Based on physics alone, a larger ball has the potential (shooter's skill counts too) to travel farther and be more accurate (when we say "more accurate", we're talking paintball measurements, where a 100th of a percent can make a difference).
Kudos to Valken for putting their customer's first and responding to the marketplace.
I think I'm going to have to break out my Grey Ghost...and I can use my favorite J&J all brass, straight-rifled barrel again on my Automag!
I've not seen anything on theire website yet, but this story has been confirmed at the top.
Pic below of the paint and an insert showing the diameter, courtesy of Joshua Silverman.
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