Below, a gallery of photos taken during this past weekend's WCPL Panhandle Paintball Classic.
There was quite a lot to see this past weekend, including questionable attire (those who recognize that reference will be disappointed to learn that I have opted NOT to include certain photos in this gallery).
These photos were taken by me using a Samsung Tablet and my own sense of what makes for a good photo; a few other photographers, working with more traditional gear (and probably more traditional attitudes) were on scene and will no doubt be making their photos available to those players and teams featured IN those photos. I Know Charles "Happy" Holton was taking photos of the finals - he can be reach on
Facebook until his website gets setup - and ABV (Accuracy By Volume) Photography was there as well. ABV's Joe Billa can be reached at
Permission to use these photos and videos are restricted to personal, non-commercial use. In other words - feel free to make a copy to show your Mommy what a great paintballer you are - but printing up giant posters for other player's buy to hang in their bedrooms is strictly verboten.
That said - enjoy the photos: