The Draw for the WCPL's New York Classic, coming up just four days hence, was announced On Flag Pull Production's Mr. Fred and Friends podcast.
The Announcements were made live with Fred Schultz's guest, Kevin Donaldson, host of the New York Classic, doing the honors.
The Draw for the event is:
The Teams Attending
1 All Americans
2 UK Predators
3 Ironmen
4 95AllStars
5 Team Fox
6 Valkyries
7 The Band
8 The Horn Section
9 Toxic Teddys
10 Ground Zero Red
11 New York Police Department's Finest
12 Team Crowley
13 The Automen Aces
14 The Ape Guerillas
Bracket 1 Bracket 2
Ironmen All Americans
Valkyries Ground Zero Red
Team Crowley APE Guerillas
Toxic Teddys The Horn Section
Automen Aces Team Fox
NYPD's Finest The Band
95AllStars UK Predators
For those for whom the above formatting is not clear:
Bracket 1
Team Crowley
Toxic Teddys
Automen Aces
NYPD's Finest
Bracket 2
All Americans
Ground Zero Red
APE Guerillas
The Horn Section
Team Fox
The Band
UK Predators
Kevin announced his method for conducting the draw, explaining that he would pick the two Pro US teams, then the rest of the US teams, followed by the two European teams.
This was done to prevent bad brackets and to give everyone an opportunity to play one of the European teams and one of the Pro US teams.
Preliminary play will be conducted as follows:
Each team will play a round robin within their bracket, playing six games.
The teams in each bracket will then be re-seeded based on their initial six game scores.
Then, each team will play two teams from the opposite bracket, based on their re-seeded rank, giving each team a total of 8 games during preliminary play.