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Patches, Secret Societies, NY Classic and a Wooden 3-Way

Bryan Tonczyczyn of Team Fox has patches for the WCPL's New York Classic (Paintball Sports New York, June 9-1), get in touch with him on Facebook or elsewhere to get one.  (They're pretty damned cool!)

Speaking of patches, Paintball Founding Father and Unsung Champion of Amateur teams Biff Thiele (SOBs) has made up another run of IADSPBP patches, the patches for paintball's most exclusive Secret Society.  You have to be a member in order to get one.
How do you become a member?
You'll know when you do.
If you are a member or qualify to be one, get in touch  with
Biff on Facebook.

Fred Schultz's Mr. Fred & Friends podcast last night featured the WCPL, along with Dirk Gaderry (made sure to spell that name right this time!) (and again!) of the Ironmen, Jacob Easter of Toxic Teddeys, Bill Bailey of Old School Paintball Guns  and promoter of the New York Classic, Kevin Donaldson (who was unable to appear owing to technical difficulties) all discussed woodsball play, the historic fields in New York and the importance of supporting young guns play in order to bring new players into the sport.
Dirk Gadberry: 
"Can't wait to get to those hallowed grounds...the location of the first World Cup.  When you walk out and see those fields...when you stand back and look at it...there's something there.  I don't know if its the ghosts of paintball players running around in the woods...but there's just something about those fields and those woods that brings it to a whole different experience than anywhere else in the whole United States."
Jacob Easter talked about bringing a whole team of scenario players to the Florida event, players who'd not competed together before.
"We tried to get the vibe right."  "I just wanted to be sure everyone was having a good time."
Fred Schults: 
"Going out and doing the woods ball thing is a lot of fun."
"I thought the fields there (Panhandle Paintball) were really good."
Check it out in its entirety

And, finally,this.  A manually operated, wooden three-way valve.  Or, at least that's what I'm calling it!

You can watch a video of it in operation here

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