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Hall of Famers at the WCPL

The WCPL is STACKED with Paintball Hall of Famers

Since 2017 and every year since, the Paintball Hall of Fame has inducted several members of the paintball community into its ranks while highlighting their contributions to the industry and the sport.

A decidedly large percentage of those annual inductees either play in the WCPL, help run the WCPL, or BOTH.  In fact, we don't think that there's another league that can claim the active participation and support of this many Hall of Famers. 

That's not a negative take on other leagues so much as it is a positive take on the WCPL.  After all, most Hall of Famers made their marks during the first decade of paintball's creation, so where else would you expect to find them but in a league that is promoting and supporting the game format they all played at the beginning?  (And lets be honest;  60, 70, 80 year olds playing speedball might be a spectacle  worthy of watching, but a potentially dangerous one as well.  We, and we'd like to think everyone else, would like to keep these folks around for as long as possible.  After all and despite all of their past work, they are STLL contributing to the advancement of this sport.)

Three questions probably come to mind:  Who are these Hall of Famers?  Why are they Hall of Famers?  Why do they play in and support the WCPL?

That last one is easy.  Because its a heck of a lot of fun!

Who and Why?  Read on.  (You'll find even more detailed information on the Paintball Hall of Fame on
their Facebook  page.)

(Side note:  If you need a score card to know who these folks are and what they have contributed to our game, you really need to brush up on your paintball history.  You wouldn't be playing this game if it hadn't been for the contributions of these people.)

Now that you know who the Paintball Hall of Famers are (and perhaps more importantly, what they look like), come on out to a WCPL event and make their acquaintances!

The first WCPL Event of the 2022 Season is fast approaching:  The Southern California Classic - hosted by that guy above named Fred Schultz above - will be taking placer February 18 & 19 at Ambush Paintball Park. Register at

 to attend.

$1250.00 entry, includes air.  BYOP.  (Contact the field for more information on paint.)

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