Update: 11:50 am 3/28/23 Kevin Donaldson sent along a sign that used to be at the entrance to Survival NY. You can see it below.
Up above, that right there is the entrance to the legendary Paintball Sports New York, formerly known as Nation al Survival Game New York, or NSG NY.
The field, owned by Jerry Braun (you should recognize that name) was established in 1982 as one of the very first National Survival Games franchise operations. Games began there in 1983 and have been played there continuously ever since.
Now that the WCPL's Florida event, the
Panhandle Paintball Classic, is upon us (April 1st & 2nd, this coming weekend as I write this), it is time to begin discussing the upcoming WCPL New York Classic.
That event will kick off on June 9th with a day for field walking and will continue through the 10th and 11th for play.
For play on these historic, even LEGENDARY fields.
Yes, legendary.
And not just legendary. These fields are some of the greatest woodsball fields ever groomed. They've been worked on and played on for close to
40 years!
But lets get back to that legendary part, because that's one of the reasons you're going to want to sign up for this event and experience these fields for yourself!
These are the fields that gave birth to the NPPL, as it was here that Kevin Donaldson, Jerry Braun, Jim Anderson (and with a little help from myself) hosted the very first ASO Open (Action Sports Outfitters).
These are the fields where Jerry Braun hosted the 1987 and 1988 Air Pistol Open events, some of the very first "independent" tournaments. Prior to this event and PMI's NA Championship series (beginning in 1984), teams needed to "qualify" for the national championship by competing in NSG Regional events.
These are the fields where the World Cup tournaments (largest cash prize) were originally hosted.
These are the fields where "Radio Zone Judging" (the most effective judging system in the game) were originated.
These are the fields where the 1-for-1 penalty were first tried and tested (prior to that, penalties were assessed as after the game point reductions; talk about old school).
These are the fields where a European team won an event in the United States for the first time.
These are the fields that hosted one of, if not THE first televised tournament, the ESPN event.
Legendary, hallowed paintball terrain.
And YOU could be playing there. You might even draw one of the fields that has remained largely unchanged since those legendary events (unchanged in location, though the fields themselves have been groomed and well-maintained: when was the last time you played on a woodsball field that has had each and every tree on the field groomed for play?)
That tree you just bellied up to? There's a good chance that players like Bob Long, or Renick Miller, or Dave Youngblood stood and shot from that very same spot! You could be hanging a flag in the very same flag station that teams like the UK Predators, or the All Americans, the Florida Terminators or New England Express sealed a victory in!
You owe it to yourself and your team to take the trip to the WCPL's New York Classic, just to play on and experience these fields, tie yourself into the history of this sport and find out
why these fields are still being played on after 40 years. They are that challenging and rewarding. There's literally no other fields like it on the planet. Go. Have a good time and breath in some real paintball history.
Registration for the WCPL New York Classic is now open on
We'll be attempting to test live streaming from WCPL events this weekend; if any content makes it out in to the world, you'll be able to watch it on the WCPL Facebook page
Fred Schultz will once again host Flag Pull Productions's Mr. Fred and Friends tonight (Tuesday); he'll be joined by Dan Colby (Immortal Air & Panhandle Paintball) and Steve Preskill (Panhandle Paintball) to discuss preparations and other things related to this weekend's Panhandle Paintball Classic.
And don't forget to sign up for our newsletter, right on the front page of the WCPL's website.
Hope to see you at Panhandle Paintball this weekend. It is going to ROCK!